X machine

Halfway between innovation, experience and passion.

Special Industrial Automation Systems

Special Industrial Automation Systems

One of the factors that has contributed to assert our position as a leader in the industrial automation and robotics sector has been our ability to offer, at an extremely competitive price, special automated systems with a high technological content, designed to respond to the most disparate technical-productive needs.

The design phase begins with a careful assessment of the customer's needs and is then concretized, also using sophisticated simulation software, in a technical-commercial proposal that not only guarantees full compliance with the customer's technical specifications but respects also the criteria of efficiency, flexibility and ease of use that have always distinguished our industrial automation solutions.

The installation at the customer and the subsequent start-up are always subordinated to rigorous checks and tests, carried out both in the office and at the customer, to verify the conformity of the plant and formalized with joint minutes which constitute the approval to the exercise in production.

All our special automated systems are supplied according to the "turnkey" formula, complete with mechanical, pneumatic, electrical and software parts. The delivery of technical documentation, CE conformity certification and use and maintenance manuals is an integral part of the supply.

Special Machines for Industrial Automation


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